
嚴淑明 刮目相看專輯



OH 如果有天花開了不再謝 是否你就會綻開笑臉
OH 如果有天愛的人不必離別 是否你可以不再流浪
OH 如果有天人和人不再相怨 是否你的心不再凍結
OH 如果有天沒有誰會辜負誰 是否你就會敝開心扉

now, l take the chance, wondrful teacher ready to
teach me, l must work on my mind. From now,
l realize that everyone of us has heaven inside, so
suddenly, it's clear to me things change, our future
lies here and now.

如果有一天我親吻你的臉 是否你可以不再拒絕
如果有一天你我心不再隔絕 如果真的能有那一天

hey, never give up on the good times, gotta believe
in the love u find. Hey, look around, pick yourself up
off the ground, now the greatest reward is the light
in your eyes, the sound of your voice and the touch
of your hand. You made me who l am.