
BiS(日) BiSimulation歌詞


サイレント 頭に鳴り響く ピーポー こんなのまだみてない
cue cue 繰り返す諸行無常無情無上

サイレント 頭に鳴り響く ピーポー とめどなく溢れう
cue cue 待ったも全然通じない世界

雲散霧消 BiSimuration 未だ 見てない 心あらず

終わる消える 溶ける未来はなってない 現状こわして ねえ生きているの?


サイレント 頭に鳴り響く ピーポー こんなのまだみてない
cue cue 繰り返す諸行無常無情無上

サイレント 頭に鳴り響く ピーポー とめどなく溢れう
cue cue 待ったも全然通じない世界

自ら仕掛けた罠 支離滅裂なポエム 認められず

終わる消える 溶ける未来はなってない 現状こわして ねえ生きているの?


サイレント 頭に鳴り響く ピーポー こんなのまだみてない
cue cue 繰り返す諸行無常無情無上

サイレント 頭に鳴り響く ピーポー とめどなく溢れう
cue cue 待ったも全然通じない世界

終わる消える 溶ける未来はなってない 現状こわして ねえ生きているの?


2.Hide out cut


I don't know how much doing how it sells
I just was broken my heart always sleepy

If he recognized the mistake in the heart
Always should be someone you really numb

I was despair almost blocked by big one, was helped by various

There is too much that the small thing is big much
I can't tell what is what you want

Open your eyes
You're the only one who really knew me at all
I lost myself It's not enough
Who's voice is resounding greatly in the head from my voices
All of the time when I need you

Your casual word is reflecting on in me
I got my head checked myself always sleepy

If he recognized the mistake in the heart
Always should be someone you really numb

I was despair almost blocked by big one, was helped by various

There is too much that the small thing is big much
I can't tell what is what you want

Open your eyes
You're the only one who really knew me at all
I lost myself It's not enough
Who's voice is resounding greatly in the head from my voices
All of the time when I need you

いつかみた ストーリーはまだ 未来を書けず
時は何故 待たず追いかけるの?

Open your eyes
You're the only one who really knew me at all
I lost myself It's not enough
Who's voice is resounding greatly in the head from my voices
All of the time when I need you

Open your eyes!!
You're the only one who really knew me at all
I lost myself It's not enough
Who's voice is resounding greatly in the head from my voices
All of the time when I need you