
Viking 暫存歌詞

I was a Nazi, now I'm #1488/ I live in slavery, the Jews took my
land/ I will pay the price for losin' the war/ till they burn me
in an oven//
You have won this time,/ you have won this time,/ hail the new
commander// Iron on my back is burden for my race/ As they are
melting me, they'll melt all the tales,/ the myths, the legends
I learned when I was young/ The Jews turned all my dreams off/
Now I'm just #1488// You have won...

2.En hjältinnas sång

När jag en liten flicka var/ i gamla dar,/ sa jag till min kära
gamla mor/ att jag tror/ att jag aldrig kommer dö/ och förbli en
ungmö, en ungmö.// Hon stirrade på mig och hon sa:/ 'En annan
dag,/ när du har blivit stor, kan du förstå/ att vi må dö!/ Alla
människor går bort/ och ruttnar inom kort, inom kort'.// Men nu
har tusentals år gått/ och jag är blott/ ett barn som lever i
all evig tid,/ ung och blid./ Ty jag som en hjälte dog/ och en
plats i himmelen tog

3.Jag är inte rädd

Jag är inte rädd av vad jag gör/ Jag är inte rädd att falla och
dö/ Jag har nästan ett ljus/ som är mitt hjärta/ och lyser upp,/
jag kan inte snubbla// En annan dag/ för mitt uppdrag/ med blod
och död,/ men jag går på// Jag är inte rädd av mina fiender/ Jag
är inte rädd av sorg och glädje/ Jag har min dolk/ mitt långa
svärd/ och jag ska vinna// En annan dag...//


I wonder how a mother/ survives when her son dies during the
war/ She must be proud of him/ but she breaks down and cries// I
wonder how a mother/ decides to give birth to a new child of
this folk/ It should be deed of honour/ but she leaves him
alone// No, I'll be a new mother/ for new children// I wonder
how a mother/ prevents her son to learn the art of combat/ It is
the soldier's duty!/ But she leaves him no space// I wonder how
a mother/ asserts that her son was accident of love/ 'cause when
he was born/ she thought that she was free no more// These days
a 'modern' mother/ does not embody the image of safe Earth/ She
doesn't want to hear/ She doesn't want to embrace// No, I'll be
a new mother/ My son will grow and will fight as I'll have
taught/ My girl will find her love/ and later she will become//
She will be a new mother/ for new children//


There is something you don't seem to control/ but it's part of
your existence/ grown in your life, born in your life/ and older
than you/ You can't react against it/ you can't announce it/
There is a time when you get to know/ that it's made for you//
It invades you are you are rebel no more/ It finally orders your
life/ and you understand:there are things that must be done/
(things ordered by a natural law)// You cannot choose another
way/ if you don't accept you'll die/ and I won't recognise you/
and I won't recognise your actions/ In this chaos of modern
world/ it is the only consolation/ it gives a sense to all this
confusion/ it's indispensable to life// It's so natural...//
Destiny makes our life a battle/ Destiny, slowly we become/
Destiny gives the world a measure/ Destiny creates and sets
out// There is no judgment in your future/ There is only your
route/ you will find no anguish/ you'll find only action/ No God
will send you to Hell/ because you god-made or dead/ will
determine your being/ and in your destiny it is written//
Destiny that is already drawn/ Destiny that wants to be
fulfilled/ There's only one destiny in your life/ the rest is
your death and another life// Destiny...//

6.Ich suche deine Seele

Was ich fühle ist ein Bedürfnis/ ich brauche Ordnung, ich
brauche eine Zweck/ Ich lebe in meinem eigenen Haus aber/ ich
bin eine Dienerin/ Ich fühle mich ein bißchen Aschenputtel/ von
falschen Schwestern unterworfen/ Wo bist du? Wo bist du?// Ich
bin/ fertig! Fertig zu hören!/ Fertig auszuführen!/ Ich suche
deine Seele, mein Führer./ Das Leben ist meine Treue/ niemand
kann mich kaufen/ Ich bin eine deiner Soldaten// Ich weiß daß
etwas gemacht werden soll/ aber ich bin noch keine Lehrerin/
Meine Hände sind noch zu schwach aber/ viele Hände machen die
Macht/ Wer hat die Ehre in deinen Wörtern/ für dich das Volk zu
sprechen?/ Vielleicht ich? Könnte ich?// Nur ein Ziel, nur ein
Krieg!// Ich bin/ fertig! Fertig zu hören!/ Fertig zu befehlen!/
Ich suche deine Seele, mein Führer./ Das Leben ist meine Treue/
niemand kann mich kaufen/ Ich bin eine deiner Soldaten

7.Arv från Kaos

Flög kanske genom moder Kaos' dunkla själ,/ då hon i
födselvåndor låg med denna värld,/ en plötslig hägring av en
värld, ur stånd att här/ himmelsk renhet få sin form och
verklighet?// Har då, i häpnad över synens majestät,/ hon
genombävats av en trånad, som är kvar/ mänskolängtan till en
mänsklig mönsterbild?// Har då, i anings om sitt fosters låga
art,/ hon i sin anings smärta givit oss ett arv/ känslan av en
knappt försonbar uselhet?//

8.Going to die

I was 18 years old/ and one day I decided to go out with a
friend/ She said 'I want you to know my lovely boyfriend'/ So I
replied 'Ok, let's go!' I knew what kind of people she liked,/
they were not like me but nothing bad had happened to me.// It
was another journey to involution/ in a land where the god is
marihuana/ and there was no way to have a conversation/ because
they were not able to speak./ It was another visit to the
enemy's,/ a way to know other points of view/ and write a
comment on my internet site.// My friend was 16 years old/ and
guess, her boyfriend was 27/ She told him 'I want you to know my
friend is a fascist'/ So he replied 'Ahi ahi ahi! Do you know
what that thing is about?'/ And we began to talk in his stinking
car.// He said 'We're like you against Christianity,/ but we
could like them if they give us amnesty/ and I don't agree with
your Heathen view/ of Personal Jesus'/ I said 'I like my Gods
and I'm ready to fight for them'/ 'Yeah, fascist!' he said 'You
only take the war on Earth'/ I said 'You seem to prefer chaos
and destruction'.// I was going to die, yeah, I was going to
die/ He drove to the unknown land where they would have hanged
me./ Oh, I was going to die, yeah, it was my last day of life/
He drove so fast and he did not watch the way.// He switched the
radio on and made me listen to 99 Posse/ They sang a song
'Anti-fascist regurgitation'/ I already imagined my death, we
were going to the town called Montepagano/ oh, what a beautiful
name, but there I would have been killed.// And they screamed,
they sang, they were so happy/ and I could only smile friendly/
they smiled to me to say/ 'Do you understand?'/ And they wanted
to go and get a beer/ and I thought 'Shit! Alcohol! There's no
way to survive/ if they get drunk, they will kill me!'// I was
going to die, yeah, I was going to die/ He drove so fast and he
was totally drunk/ Oh, I was going to die, yeah, it was my last
day of life/ He was full of hate, sweet sweet hate against me.//
I heard Odin tell me 'Kill or die'/ but I had a problem/ I could
have killed the bad guy but the girl,/ I and she were
relatives!/ But the clock stroke 11 and we finished our time/
yeah, we had to go home/ I was still alive, I was there/ at home
and safe.// La la la.../ Let's have a trip to Montepagano/ Let's
have a trip to Montepagano/ All together! Streetfight in the

9.Speech or non-speech

I don't want to hear tonight your sorrowful complaint/ You are
looking for something that nobody will ever give you/ Freedom of
speech, that is how you call it, I think it doesn't exist/ So
take the pen, take the microphone and scream what you'd like to
scream// Put it right inside of your head/ the others want you
to shut up (hush, hush)/ Freedom of speech is abstract for me/
Speech or non-speech?/ I speak!/ Chicca rules always and
everywhere!!// If you give up they'll win the power and your
voice will be sunk/ Deeper and longer makes the difference, but
don't forget to be wise/ It's a war for survival, a war for
existence, show your iron temper/ Knock down your enemy, you
know that the destiny of your cause depends on you// Put it

10.The Stairs of the World

Here you can see the world alive/ all engaged in its different
works/ with the people on both my sides/ I like hearing their
colourful words/ I see a boy who's kissing a girl/ and she looks
right at me/ She wants to say 'you are alone/ you can't receive
what I can feel'// Why do you want to make me suffer?/ Why do
you want to make me cry?/ I have done nothing bad to you,/ and
you, you don't, you don't even know me// When I turn into Ash on
the Stairs of the World/ I see all the people come and go/ When
I turn into Ash on the Stairs of the World/ I watch a horrible
show, I watch a horrible show// This is the place where a
promise is told/ and I wonder if it will be holden/ where a
misunderstood white dress/ is sign of faithfully love confessed/
Where all races meet in a crazy dance/ full of colours and
sounds, religions and lands/ I know that you all men will pass
here someday/ and something you will think, you'll understand//
Will you go back to your homeland?/ And will you take what you
have learned?/ All this singing and dancing and singing and
dancing/ is the diversity of lives/ and this keeps this world
alive// When I turn... // All this moving and speaking and
burning and freshening/ is the heart of the Cosmos/ We are
self-moving pawns in a game/ We are like a picture that knows
how to draw itself/ The heart will beat along/ if you come and
dance on the Stairs of the World//

11.The Statue

No, don't touch me,/ why do you want to destroy/ my beauty that
lived/ eternally engraved in the centuries?// No, don't hurt
me,/ why do you want to censure/ the mind of the artist/ just to
have fun?/ You don't fight any war!// May the Statue live for
ever/ May Art live for ever/ away from destruction/ destruction,
so common in our time.// No, don't mock me,/ why do you want to
erase/ the wisdom of the man/ creator of art as ideology?// No,
don't swop me,/ why do you want to change/ the ground under my
feet?/ I belong to this soil/ since the day of my birth!// May
the Statue...//

12.Tårar i Helsingborg

Den himmel blå, allt var glad men inte jag,/ tristess och sorg
gret jag ensligt i ensamhet,/ en bakvänd chock, framtiden min./
Jag hade gömt allt inom mig för så mycket tid,/ jag visste att
tre dagar var lika snabb som dröm/ och jag hade att vakna upp.//
Jag har lämnat mina tårar i Helsingborg/ Jag har lämnat dem med
ett kallt farväl/ Jag har lämnat mina tårar i Helsingborg/ Adjö
uh, mitt kära Sverige/ Adjö uh, mitt kära Sverige// Den största
önsken i mitt liv var förverkligad/ och en ny önskan uttryckte
jag på väg till Helsingør:/ 'Jag skall komma tillbaka'/ Den
svenska kusten var borta och mina tårar slöt,/ jag var full av
hopp och lust att kämpa/ för att krama mitt fosterland igen//
Jag har lämnat...

13.Don't go round with the Jews

Don't go round with the Jews/ You don't know which danger you'll
find/ On the rail of your life/ It's so hard to change your
direction once you are running// Guy, don't trust in the Jews/
Their identity is not the face you see/ They show you what they
want you to see/ And then you're compelled to believe, you may
not agree/ But you will never know the truth// Don't go round
with the Jews/ You should be afraid of their kind attitude/ When
you're invited to a feast/ Don't expect to have fun, to be a
guest respected and hailed// If you are lucky you only have to
serve/ Otherwise you're an instrument to keep their hatred calm/
You have to keep the peace in their world/ And receive all their
tensions, their apprehensions/ They don't care if they humiliate
you// Don't go round with the Jews/ They use and discard you and
use you and kill you slowly in your brain/ No, there will be no
alliance/ I will never mix my lymph with the blood of the Jews//
Being part of their system?/ No, I prefer a sorrowful death.//
No, no, don't go round with the Jews/ Reclaim you independence,
reclaim your purity/ Decode their system/ They'll suck your
blood, they'll use your energy/ And the fear will lead you to
agree/ They will destroy you...

14.Nationaldag (06/06/2001)

Det är nationaldag/ Det skulle vara en vacker dag/ Men jag är
här knäböjd/ framför mitt land, framför mitt folk// Jag måste be
om ursäkt, om förtroende/ Jag vet det finns ingen förlåtelse/
Men en starkare kamp/ Bara en ny lektion// Jag är en förrädare/
Oavsiktligt, lurad av fienden men/ Det är min okunnighetens fel/
Den största brotten// Det är nationaldag/ Det skulle vara en
vacker dag/ Men jag är här knäböjd/ framför mitt land, framför
mitt folk// Jag har lärt på mitt värdefulla liv/ Men jag levande
jag kommer tillbaka till fronten/ Mellan mina adliga kamrater/
Mellan mitt folk// Jag har känt kraften av gudarna/ I mitt blod
mitt folk/ Vi ska växa upp tillsammans igen/ Och du, mitt land,
god nationaldag.//


There was a man called Thorvald who was the father of Erik the
Red/ He and Erik left their home in Jaedern, in Norway,/ because
of some killings and went to Iceland,/ which had been
extensively settles by then/ Erik married Thjodhild and moved
south to make his home at Erikstead,/ near Vatnhorn/ They had a
son called Leif// He was our leader/ He took us to conquest/ He
said// Folk, Skal vi gå, kom med meg, folk, følg meg og slå alle
og slå/ Vi er kraften, ni skal tro, vi er vikingene og menn av
nord/ Dra ut hornene og slå og tenk at ingen aldri stopper
oss!!// Erik's wife didn't want to sleep with this heathen man,
but he respected her// Folk... og tenk at han var en hedensk man


Hey, baby, you are great today/ I wanna touch you and see myself
reflex in your blue eyes/ You know, your hair lights all this
grey room/ You make me feel outside, outside there is a northern
sky// Faded, please keep on crying/ you're like the rain when
there's the sun, too/ Fade, please keep on listening/ and never
say that you are ugly, no/ You are the only thing that I like/
when I see your eyes I feel like flying/ I will always give you
respect/ and I'll stay with you// You represent the Aryan race/
with your kind white face/ you're made to walk through
Stockholm's streets/ and get the power that the trolls give/ No,
you don't need lens or colour on your blond hair/ You are faded,
everybody wants to be like you// You can paint my days, You can
paint my life


Tyst är lunden, och sjön, som kysst/ strandens somnade ros, är
tyst./ Aftonskimret, som milt besken/ tempelkullen, har bleknat
ren/ stilla, drömmande, stilla.// Tysta stjärnor ur havet gå,/
stilla palmernas kronor stå,/ sen därunder i myrtenskog/ vinden
suckade nyss och dog/ stilla, drömmande, stilla./// Trött najad
har på mossig bädd/ sjunkit ned vid sin urnas brädd,/ sövd av
sorlande källans sus:/ barmen häves i månens ljus/ stilla,
drömmande, stilla,// medan hon ser i ljuvlig dröm/ stelnad,
kristallren, tidens ström/ och all världen från ve och harm/
somnad in på Allfaders arm/ stilla, drömmande, stilla.//


Du og jeg/ inne i skogen/ vi eter sjokolade/ og drikker
Coca-Cola// men du vill ikke komme/ og jeg tror/ at du/ er
virkelig en bastard/


Här är det kallt och/ var är du?/ Jag vill ha dig nu/ Kom till
mig/ fö jag älskar dig/ och jag ler/ när du är här med mig// Jag
ringer dig/ var är du?/ Du är inte hemma/ Och vi ska/ ska g†
till en stjärna/ för att dö/ dö för kärleken, ja// Älska mig här
och nu/ kyss mig/ tänk att jag älskar dig/ ja, ja, du, du och
jag/ under den här blå himmel// Jag drömmer dig/ varje natt/
dina ögon gör mig drömma och/ de är som blå is/ so kallt/ men
jag är helveten// Här är det kallt och...// Jag vill ha dig/ här
och nu/ Jag vill känna ditt långa hår på mig


This story talks about a man/ he lived in Sollentuna/ once he
left to join the niggers' fight/ he never came back home again//
He died strugglin' and dreamin' of his land/ and screaming loud
its great name/ he was faithful to his own race/ and was killed
by a black man// And now that he has died/ he will give pain to
a nigger child/ tonight/ he'll dream the biggest troll/ that
kills his father like a dog// na, na... // The man was loyal to
his lord/ he had strength and courage/ he loved his wife who was
a little doll/ he fought for all his stock// He had many things
to teach his child/ who would have become like him/ but he
turned to the other part/ and was banished without thinking
twice// and now that...


Vin þínum ver þú aldregi fyrri at flauslitum; / sorg etr hjarta,
ef þú segja né náir einhverjum allan hug/ Sifium er þá blandat,
hver er segja ræðr einum allan hug;/ alt er betra en sé brigðum,
er vilt eitt segir// Illan mann láttu aldregi óhöpp at þér
vita,/ því at af illum manni fær þú aldregi gjöld ins góða
hugar/ Því at af illum manni mundu aldregi góðr maðr mun þik
gerva/ mega líknfastan at lofi// A good man if you make him your
friend will praise you in every place//


So much time has passed but I still remember you/ It's like you
are here and I can feel you breathing/ I remember your eyes,
blue as bright as dew/ And you looked at me as you wanted to
say:// My sister, my sister/ I want to play with you/ don't you
want it, too?// Now in Valhalla you are sitting by the Gods/ You
were my kitten and now you're serving Freyja/ You drag her coach
and you keep this dream alive/ And you are in my nightmares as
you wanted to say:// My sister, my sister/ I want to play with
you / don't you want it, too?/ My sister, you are my sister/ I
want to meet your look again/ don't you want it, too?// Your
life was short/ but you had your time to live/ and I lived with
you/ Then my heart was broken/ death pulled you away from me/
and I could only cry/ I could only cry// Freyja's cat now lives
in an other world/ but when he was here he played like an
earthly cat/ he scratched the trees and his claws caressed my
face/ and he listened to me when I played the flute// Time can't
stop and it can't start again/ and you'll never come back home/
you must be where you are/ You live where the warriors live and
the glory is for you/ and you'll wait, I will die/ you'll wait,
I will die


Hören Syster och Broder;/ lyssna till Sagan om min Moder!/ Svea
Rike det fagra.// Där Troll lefva i Frid,/ de finnas äfven i vår
Tid;/ ej bara i den oändliga Saga.// Mitt Hjerta det är ditt,/
ty jag älskar Landet mitt./ Själslig Kärlek aldrig dör.// Din
Himmel så vackert blå,/ dina Träd i vacker grön Dräkt stå./
Ulfvar i Natten jaga.// I vintertid fager Snö,/ men vacker Vår
kommer i Tö,/ då Rådjuren Ljuset behaga


'Take a walk in the middle of a winter night/ in a forest all
alone/ and you will understand what I mean/ it actually speaks'/
The noisy silence will never leave alone/ It's the wind that
every night wildly blows/ Welcome to Scandinavia, Welcome to
Scandinavia// Come with me/ I'll take you to a place where
you've never been/ And the snow falls down over me/ so free//
The best colours are brown, green, white and blue/ the trees,
the snow/ the lakes/ I see the elks running through the wide
meadows/ oh oh / Welcome to Scandinavia, Welcome to Scandinavia
// Come...// I'm in love with all the people of the North/ even
with the enemies/ I know they might change/ Everything is
incredibly perfect/ there's nothing that rots/ Odin made
Scandinavia, yeah, Odin made Scandinavia//

25.Come fa freddo

Ti ricordi fino a ieri
uscivi con i tuoi amici
quanti giorni eran felici
passando le ore ad ascoltare la musica alternativa

E poi all'improvviso come fa freddo
e poi all'improvviso come fa freddo
e poi all'improvviso come fa freddo

E ti ritrovi tutto in un giorno
a crescere di 10 anni
senza mostrare di aver paura
senza cadere negli inganni

Tu che respiravi l'aria fresca
ora la puoi solo ricordare
ma non rimanere ad aspettare
È l'unico modo per non congelare

E poi all'improvviso come fa freddo
e poi all'improvviso come fa freddo
e poi all'improvviso come fa freddo

Ti ricordi fino a ieri
uscivi con i tuoi amici
quanti giorni eran felici
passando le ore ad ascoltare parole d'amore

26.Morning Stars

The first colours of the dawn
The first drops of dew
Petals open looking for the Sun
Your child's eyes open looking for you

Everything happens tomorrow
By tomorrow is not so far
Everything happens tomorrow
And tomorrow is here now, here now

We're morning stars
We're morning stars
Resist the whole night
And bring back the day

Breathe the air of clear immensity
That we conquered during the dark
Chase away the clouds
And give a sky where our kids can play

Everything happens tomorrow
By tomorrow is not so far
Everything happens tomorrow
And tomorrow is here now, here now

We're morning stars
We're morning stars
Resist the whole night
And bring back the day

Pure is the water where you can wash your sorrow
It is strong and true like honour
Metallic like a mirror where
Ironclad hearts see their souls reflected

From above in the sky
Everything happens tomorrow
And tomorrow is here now, here now

We're morning stars
We're morning stars
Resist the whole night
And bring back the day