
XC-NN Xc-Nn歌詞

2.1000 Easy


4.Wrong Thing


I'm just saying everybody is people
Except me, I'm the monarch

The wall is high, there is a moat
And for my sins, they gave me a boat
I'm in the water, the sails are full

Drawbridge down, I have no rope
(Be not part of the accident)

You name it, I've done it
Don't go out, don't go to bars
Check your pockets, it's probably in there

Don't be a part of the accident
I am the monarch, I am the king

The wall is high
(That's a mirage)
There is a moat

And for my sins
(That's a mirage)
They gave me a boat

There I sit, badly coked
Eyeballs slit
(That's a mirage)

I choke, not quite bedridden
But just about ill
(Be not part of the accident)

You name it, I've done it
Don't go out, don't go to bars
Check your pockets, it's probably in there

Don't be a part of the accident
I am the monarch, I am the king

You got a run, aborigine, original father
With passion, emotion, reason and intent
In order to run you got to cook
In order to cook you got to have a fire

In order to have a fire you got to belong
I'm just saying everybody is people
Except me, I'm the monarch

You name it, I've done it
Don't go out, don't go to bars
Check your pockets, it's probably in there

Don't be a part of the accident
I am the monarch, I am the king

6.Looking Forward

7.Early Days

8.Young, Stupid & White


10.Unnatural Passions

11.Logic Bomb

12.Find Out